Linen Rental Maintenance Model

Any business in the hospitality industry needs linens. Items such as tablecloths and napkins, towels and aprons, sheets and pillowcases, chef and cook wear and many others are a vital part of your business. Many business try to supply theses items themselves. However unlike most other items you purchase for your business, the initial cost of the linen is just the beginning.

Linens must be cleaned and processed after each use. The size and quality of the linens also means that you can’t just wash them in a regular washing machine like you have at home. You need specialized equipment to wash, dry, iron, and fold them. You also need the right chemicals to get out the heavy soil that business use creates. If you use the wrong chemicals or equipment, the life of the linen will be drastically reduced.

Cleaning linen is a very labour and space intensive operation. Very few businesses have either to spare especially in the current climate. Also, how do you keep a laundry going with the training and regulatory compliance that in necessary to keep a laundry going when you are trying to run a business?

This is where Kings Laundry can help you. We have the specialized equipment and space required to process linen correctly and our work-force under-go constant training to ensure they are up to date with all the current requirements.

Any business in the hospitality industry needs linens. Items such as tablecloths and napkins, towels and aprons, sheets and pillowcases, chef and cook wear and many others are a vital part of your business.

Many business try to supply theses items themselves. However unlike most other items you purchase for your business, the initial cost of the linen is just the beginning.

why linen rental

The Forgotten costs of an On Premises Laundry

  • Laundry Production Payroll: Payroll costs for wages paid to hourly employees who handle linen, including laundry production, soiled sort, washroom, flatwork, ironing, tumble dry operation, etc.
  • Management Payroll: Employees who handle linen inspection, linen control, janitorial services, machinery repairs and maintenance.
  • Employee Benefits: Includes payment of PRSI, Holidays, Health insurance, union contributions, etc.
  • Utilities: Gas, Electricity, fuel oil and water account for a large part of expenses.
  • Equipment Costs: Equipment experiences wear every time it is operated, replacement costs must be considered.
  • Lost Opportunity Costs: Probably the single most overlooked cost. The space occupied by your laundry and linen storage areas could be used.

Many Hotels already own their own linen for Brand standard or other reasons. You can continue to purchase your own linen and Kings Laundry will process it for you if you are eliminating your need for an on premises laundry and also eliminated labour related costs. We will also monitor any reject linen you may have acquired due to wear and tear. We will then send these items back to you for inspection; once you deem them rejects you can have them repaired if this is possible or take them out of circulation. Kings can also match your Brand standard requirements through our own suppliers and once you deem them acceptable you can order them through us.

Please call Nicola Eager on 087 064 3791 and we will arrange to call out to you and conduct a survey enabling us to give you a quotation free of charge.

What Is Linen Rental - Kings Laundry